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Pastor Keion Henderson Says The Reason Why Most People Cannot Be Satisfied is Because They Have Too Many Experiences

June 28, 2021

A clip has recirculated on social media of the author of "The Shift", Pastor Keion Henderson, delivering a sermon on why people can't seem to be satisfied in their romantic relationships.

A clip from The Lighthouse Church of Houston pastor's 2018 sermon entitled, "Recovering from a Rough Start", resurfaced on social media last week.

The preacher had a few remarks on why some may lack satisfaction when it comes to seeking potential partners. Henderson states, "You know why you can't find a man or woman to satisfy you psychologically because you want him to make the money that Johnny made, and you want her to be able to cook like Susie, and you want him to be six four like him, and you want her to be built like her... and here you are taking all of your experiences and looking for one person that looks like everyone you've ever been with!"

He continues saying, "Let me tell you something if you find a man that is 6'5 and is rich and can make a lot of money and can give you kids, and is at home all day leave him alone cus his name is Jesus!"

"Either you're gonna get this or gonna get that You're never gonna get anybody who's everything you've ever had. If he makes a lot of money chances are he's not gonna be at home when you get there. Brothers we got the same problem if you want her to work all day..." Henderson states.

Check out the rest of Pastor Keion had to say in the video below.



Often times when it comes to forming romantic relationships both men and women of today go into it thinking of the best parts of their previous relationship with the hopes of finding someone that embodies any and everything that their heart desires in a partner.

What they fail to realize is that there is no such thing as perfection and that you can't build a man or woman like a build a bear. God will provide a mate that will be your equal. It's okay to pray for what you may want to see in your partner but ultimately the Lord will provide exactly what and who you need in your life without pulling from any past failed attempts at love. 


Written by Precious Onukwuli


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